

    请为来年的事多做准备。Please do more preparation for the next year.

    计划先行。Plans are the first step.

    持续不断地努力。Work hard continually.

    对自己要求高一点。We should be strict with ourselves.

    2013年的最后一个月,努力!Doing our efforts in the last month of 2013!

    欲戴皇冠,必承其重。To wear a crown,one must bear its weight.

    生活不需要别人安排,要靠自己努力和奋斗!Life relys on our own efforts and struggle instead of tharrangement of the others!

    向有梦想敢拼搏的恒大学习!Learning from Evergrande who has a dream and dare to struggle.

    加强学习,提升素质。Strengthening learning,to improve quality.

    作风正,技能强,敢拼搏。Being upright style,strong skills,and daring to struggle.

    努力,缩小差距。Making great efforts to close the gap.

    承担的越多,未来的能力会越大!The more a person undertakes,the greater his ability of the future will become!


    个人牺牲,公司荣耀。Personal sacrifice, achieves the company's glory.

    困难与挑战,积极应对!Difficulties and challenges,that we should actively deal with.

    时间会为你证明。All things would be answered by time.

    每一个岗位都可以创造一百分的价值。Every post can create a percentage value.

    成本,效率,危机。Costing,efficiency,and crisis.

    专业敬业,尽心尽责。Going to be professional and dedicated,responsible and diligent.

    财富要靠智慧与汗水获得。Wealth depends on the wisdom and sweat.

    幸运降落在有准备的人身上。Lucky will land on people who have prepared.


    目标坚定,攻坚克难。Keeping definiteness of target,overcoming all difficulties.

    朴诚勇毅,不胜不休!Simplicity,honesty,courage,perseverance; participated in the revolution does not rest until win!

    每一份成功都是心血浇灌。Every success is achieved with our all heart.

    爱企业,守制度,学技能!Loving enterprise,keeping the system,learning skills.

    不管你有多好,你还可以做的更好!No matter how good you are,you can also do a better job!

    工作上心,生活开心!Working hard,and living happy!

    行无愧怍心常坦,身处艰难气若虹。To be aboveboard in the individual behaviorism,and not be afraid in difficult circumstances.

    哈佛大学训言:此刻打盹,你将做梦;而此刻学习,你将圆梦。This moment will nap, you will have a dream; but this moment study, you will interpret a dream.

    总裁也需交周报,向海大学习!The president is also required to hand in a weekly report,so we should learn from Haid!

    事物动态发展,要做好苦战的准备!With the dynamic development,being ready to battle!


    心正思无邪,意诚言必重。The man who is upright has no immodest thoughts;the man who is sincere will touch all the people.

    功成惟志,业精惟勤。Achieving great exploits lies in great ambition;a good learning lies in diligence tirelessly.

    念念不忘,必有回响。As long as you work hard,you'll surpass them in grades one day.

    关键月份,信心决心!In the critical months,we should have confidence and determination!

    心有多大,脚走多远。How wide your heart is,how far you can reach.

    仰不愧于天,俯不怍于人。when looking up,being not ashamed to face Heaven;below,being not blushed to face men.

    相信奋斗的力量。Believing the power of struggling.

    端正心态,积极前行。Correcting attitudes,moving forward positively.

    勤以持家,俭以养德。Keeping house diligently,and cultivating morals frugally.

    英雄上马,骑手的等待不再是梦想。Mounting the horse,the dream of the rider will be realized.

    世界再大,大不过包容的心。路途再远,远不过燃烧的梦。The inclusive heart is bigger than the world,and the burning dream is farther than the road.

    宁可因高目标而脖子硬,也不要为低目标而驼背。I would like to be stiff neck for high goals,rather than humpback for lower.

    不安于现状,积极进取。We should be aggressive but not being content with the status quo.

    用你的笑容改变世界。Changing the world with your smile.

  • 2013-12-30 09:32:45
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